a) Under this scheme, Financial Assistance is granted to blinds, handicapped, deaf and dumb and mentally retarded persons who are unable to earn their livelihood.

b) Handicapped persons which have less than 50% disability will not be eligible for Financial Assistance.

c) Mentally disabled persons are, however, eligible irrespective of disability.

d) Total annual Income should not be more than Rs. 60,000/- including business or rental or interest income.

f) In the cases of scheme under the Financial Assistance to partially mentally weak or mentally retarded person or handicapped children below the age of 21 years, in the event of death of mother-father/husband-wife/guardian nomination will be made by the sanctioned authority /SDM of near relative as guardian/successor. On the old application form and old P.L.A. number financial assistance will be continued without any break to the new nominated guardian/ successor. In the case of partially mentally weak/mentally retarded person or handicapped children below the age of 21 years the income of successor will not be considered after the of death of mother-father/husband-wife/ guardian.