Material featured on this website may be reproduced free of charge. However, the material has to be reproduced accurately and not to be used in a derogatory manner or in a misleading context. Wherever the material is being published or issued to others, the source must be prominently acknowledged. However, the permission to reproduce this material shall not extend to any material which is identified as being copyright of a third party (user submitted content). Authorization to reproduce such material must be obtained from the copyright holder concerned.


Links to external websites/portals

At many places on MyGovtSchemes, you shall find links to other websites/portals. These links have been placed for your convenience. MyGovtSchemes is not responsible for the contents of the linked websites and does not necessarily endorse the views expressed in them. Mere presence of the link or its listing on this website should not be assumed as endorsement of any kind. We cannot guarantee that these links will work all the time and we have no control over availability of linked destinations.

Links to MyGovtSchemes by other websites/portals

We do not object to you linking directly to the information that is hosted on this web site and no prior permission is required for the same. However, we would like you to inform us about any links provided to this website so that you can be informed of any changes or updates therein. Also, we do not permit our pages to be loaded into frames on your site. The pages belonging to MyGovtSchemes must load into a newly opened browser window of the User.


This website does not automatically capture any specific personal information from you (like name, phone number or e-mail address), that allows us to identify you individually. If you choose to provide us with your personal information, like names or addresses, when you visit our website, we use it only to fulfill your request for information. To participate and engage with the Government through MyGovtSchemes requires your registration. Information so collected is used to facilitate interaction.

MyGov conducts many Quizzes, Hackathons, and Contests in collaboration with Ministries and Departments. The personal details of the winners can be shared with the Contest Creators/ Collaborating Departments. The names of the winners, without any Personally Identifiable Information, can be used by the MyGovtSchemes Team and the Contest Creator/ Collaborating Departments for display in public by means of Electronic/ Print Media.

MyGovtSchemes does not sell or share any personally identifiable information volunteered on this site to any third party (public/private) except for the winners as explained in para above. Any information provided on MyGovtSchemes will be protected from loss, misuse, unauthorized access or disclosure, alteration, or destruction.

MyGovtSchemes gathers certain information about the User, such as Internet protocol (IP) address, domain name, browser type, operating system, the date and time of the visit and the pages visited. MyGovtSchemes make no attempt to link these addresses with the identity of individuals visiting our site unless an attempt to damage MyGovtSchemes has been detected.

We allow you to deactivate your account any time you wish. We will hide all your Personal Information from the system so that it is not visible and/or accessible from any regular operation. However, the Personal Information shall be retained in system/DB for the purpose of legal requirements/compliances for a minimum period of five years from the date of deactivation request.

For data deletion, you may raise your request to MyGovtSchemes Grievance Officer on grievance[at]mygov[dot]in

If you simply remove the MyGovtSchemes application from your mobile device but do not deactivate your profile yourself from MyGov, you shall continue to be a registered user of MyGov and we shall continue to send you all promotions/newsletters/notifications that you have opted unless and until you opt-out of such communications.


A cookie is a piece of software code that an internet web site sends to your browser when you access information at that site. A cookie is stored as a simple text file on your computer or mobile device by a website’s server and only that server will be able to retrieve or read the contents of that cookie. Cookies let you navigate between pages efficiently as they store your preferences, and generally improve your experience of a website. MyGovtSchemes use following types of cookies to enhance your experience and interactivity with MyGovtSchemes its sub-domains:

1. Analytics cookies for anonymously remembering your computer or mobile device when you visit our website to keep track of browsing patterns.

2. Service cookies for helping us to make our website work efficiently, remembering your registration and login details, settings preferences, and keeping track of the pages you view.

3. Non-persistent cookies a.k.a per-session cookies. Per-session cookies serve technical purposes, like providing seamless navigation through MyGovtSchemes and its sub-domains. These cookies do not collect personal information on users and they are deleted as soon as you leave our website. The cookies do not permanently record data and they are not stored on your computer’s hard drive. The cookies are stored in memory and are only available during an active browser session. Again, once you close your browser, the cookie disappears.

You may note additionally that when you visit MyGovtSchemes and its sub-domains where you are prompted to log in, or which are customizable, you may be required to accept cookies. If you choose to have your browser refuse cookies, it is possible that sub-domains of MyGov may not function properly.

Content Review Policy (CRP)

MyGovtSchemes Website is the face of the Department of Information Technology, Ministry of Communications and Information Technology, Govt. of India. It is therefore required to keep the content on the Website current and up-to-date and hence there is a need for the Content Review Policy. Since the scope of the content is huge, different Review Policies are defined for the diverse content elements.

The Review Policy is based on different type of content elements, its validity and relevance as well as the archival policy. The matrix below gives the Content Review Policy:

Content Review Policy (CRP)
S.No Content Element Event Basis of Content Classification Frequency of Review Reviewer Approver
    Event Time Policy      
1 About   Fortnightly
Immediate-when any updates, w.r.t user’s, grievances.
Content Manager Web Information Manager
2 Policies   Immediate Director - MyGovtSchemes Web Information Manager
3 Newsletter     Immediate Content Manager Web Information Manager
4 Notifications/Tenders   Immediate Director - MyGovtSchemes Web Information Manager
5 Compliance Report   Monthly Content Manager Web Information Manager
6 Activities   Fortnightly Content Manager Web Information Manager
7 What’s New/Infocus     Fortnightly Content Manager Web Information Manager
8 Banners   Fortnightly Content Manager Web Information Manager
9 Do   Fortnightly Content Manager Web Information Manager
10 Discuss   Fortnightly Content Manager Web Information Manager
11 Poll   Fortnightly Content Manager Web Information Manager
12 Survey   Fortnightly Content Manager Web Information Manager
13 Talk   Fortnightly Content Manager Web Information Manager
14 Blog Fortnightly Content Manager Web Information Manager
15 Campaign   Fortnightly Content Manager Web Information Manager
16 Podcast   Fortnightly Content Manager Web Information Manager
17 Wall of fame   Fortnightly Content Manager Web Information Manager

The entire website content would be reviewed for syntax checks once a week by the MyGovtSchemes Website Content Team.

Security Policy

1. MYGOVTSCHEMES has been placed in protected zones with implementation of firewalls and IDS (Intrusion Detection System) and high availability solutions. 

2. Before the launch of the MYGOVTSCHEMES, simulated penetration tests were conducted. Penetration testing has also been conducted thrice after the launch of the MYGOVTSCHEMES.

3. MYGOVTSCHEMES has been audited for known application level vulnerabilities before the launch and all the known vulnerabilities have been addressed.

4. MYGOVTSCMEMES has been re-audited for the application level vulnerability after major modification in application development.

5. Hardening of servers has been done as per the guidelines of the cyber security division before the launch of the MYGOVTSCHEMES.

6. Access to MYGOVTSCHEMES web servers is restricted both physically and through the network as far as possible.

7. Logs at three different locations are maintained for authorized physical access of MYGOVTSCHEMES servers.

8. MYGOVTSCHEMSE web-servers are configured behind IDS, IPS (Intrusion Prevention System) and with system firewalls on them. 

9. All the development work is done on a separate development environment and is well tested on the staging and preprod server before updating it on the production server.

10. After testing properly on the staging server the applications are uploaded to the production server using SSH and VPN through a single point.

11. The content contributed by/from remote locations is duly authenticated and is not published on the production server directly. Any content contributed has to go through the moderation process before the final publishing to the production server. 

12. All contents of the web pages are checked for intentional or unintentional malicious content before final upload to web server pages. 

13. Audit and Log of all activities involving the operating system, access to the system, and access to applications are maintained and archived. All rejected accesses and services are logged and listed in exception reports for further scrutiny.

14. Help Desk staff at the NIC Data Centre monitor the portal round the clock to check the web pages to confirm that the web pages are up and running, that no unauthorized changes have been made, and that no unauthorized links have been established. 

15. All newly released system software patches; bug fixes and upgrades are expediently and regularly reviewed and installed on the web server. 

16. On Production web servers, Internet browsing, email and any other desktop applications are disabled. Only server administration related tasks are performed. 

17. Server passwords are changed at the interval of three months and are shared by one person Mr Rishant Kumar.

18.Mr Rishant Kumar has been designated as Administrator MYGOVTSCHEMES and shall be responsible for implementing this policy for each of the web servers. The administrator shall also coordinate with the Audit Team for required auditing of the server(s).


The MYGOVTSCHEMES has been audited before launch and has complied with all the points mentioned in the policies document of the cyber security group mentioned above.

MYGOVTSCHEMES has also been subjected to an automated risk assessment performed through vulnerability identification software before and after the launch of the portal and all the known vulnerabilities have been addressed.

Cyber security groups address security needs using IDS/IPS, Firewall etc.

Data Accuracy Policy

MyGovtSchemes takes all steps possible to ensure that the data on the platform is accurate. If something is found to be inaccurate MyGovtSchemes will make every effort to correct said information as quickly as possible. If it is found to be an inaccuracy with the entire system MyGov will work swiftly to correct the problem so that your web experience is as trouble-free as possible. The information contained on MyGov is subject to change without prior notice.

Contingency Management Plan

The MyGovtSchemes putting all efforts to be functional and running at all times to provide information and services to the users. All possible efforts are being made to minimize the downtime as and when it’s mandatorily required for scheduled/planned maintenance activities. In eventualities like defacement/hacking of the site, data corruption, hardware/software crash and natural disasters, all efforts will be made to restore the site in the shortest possible time.

Website Monitoring Policy

As Web being dynamic medium, changes in terms of updating data & technologies, access device and the requirements happen fairy frequently. So for this we have a website monitoring policy in place where website monitored periodically in accordance with the plan to and fix the quality and compatibility issues.

Under the Website Monitoring Policy, it is advised to monitor periodically to address and fix the quality and compatibility issues around the following parameters:

Portal is monitored regularly through online testing tools such as GTmetrix, W3C Link Checker. 

  • Functionality: All modules of the website are tested for their Functionality for their smooth working once in a month.
  • Performance: MyGovtSchemes website is tested for the download time in every 30 days.
  • Broken Links: The website is thoroughly reviewed to rule out the presence of any broken links or errors. It is fixed on immediate basis through CMS, in case of department related content we inform them with a time bound manner of one month, in case of no response it is removed manually.
  • Traffic Analysis: We regularly monitor traffic on the website through CDN & Server in every 30 days.

 The DR site has been set up at National Data Centre, Pune. The main Data Centre is connected on high-speed optical fiber based leased line with its DR site.

 BCP of DR-Site: -

S. No.

Task Description

Team responsible


Change the MySQL database at NDC Shastri

Park from slave to master status.

Server Administrators


Announce the public IP from NDC Data

Centre after which the site will start working from NDC Shastri Park

Network Team at NDC Shastri Park.

Contact details of the persons responsible for data back and restoration.

S. NO.

Person in-charge


Email address Telephone


Samrat Suresh

Administration 85-960-86-960

Covid-19 Archive Policy

Guidelines, FAQs, Podcast, Myth Buster, Videos, Updates & Notifications under categories Information and Advisory, States/UTs Information/Advisory related to Covid-19 are published over MyGovtSchemes Website. Only information related to current year is displayed over MyGovtSchemes Website. Covid-19 notifications other than current year are moved into Covid-19 archive section page.

Content Archival Policy

No content is archived yet.

Entry Policy: - All activities like Do, Discuss, Poll/Survey, Talk are moved into closed section as soon as it loses its relevance. Vacancy, Tender is removed manually as it loses its relevance.

Exit Policy: - All activities are moved into archival Perpetual (10 years) since date of entry.

Content Contribution, Moderation and Approval policy (CMAP)

Ministries under Government of India raise the request to Team Partnership Deputy Director MyGovtSchemes through official email regarding the activity which is to be done. Activities have categories like Do, Discuss, Poll & Survey, Talk, Blog. Deputy Director MyGovtSchemes then assigns SPOC (single point of contact) to coordinate with related Ministry to collect the details over the official email.

Creative Team creates the info graphics, banners, images & Content Team publishes the content received from the Ministry/Department.

S. No. Content Element Approver Publisher
1. About MyGovtSchemes
Director/ Deputy Director Additional Director
2. Associate with MyGovtSchemes
Director/ Deputy Director Additional Director
3. Website Policies
Director/ Deputy Director Additional Director
4. Work at MyGovtSchemes
HR-Team Manager
5. MyGovtSchemes Tenders
Admin-Team Manager
6. Terms & Conditions Director/ Deputy Director Additional Director
7. Compliance Report MyGovtSchemes CEO Office Manager
8. Do Ministries which raise request Manager/
Senior Manager
9. Discuss Ministries which raise request Manager/
Senior Manager
10. Poll Ministries which raise request Manager/
Senior Manager
11. Survey Ministries which raise request Manager
12. Talk Deputy Director Manager/
Senior Manager
13. Blog Deputy Director Manager/
Senior Manager
14. Campaign Director/ Deputy Director Manager
15. Podcast Deputy Director Manager
16. Wall of fame Director/ Deputy Director Manager/
Senior Manager

MyGovtSchemes App Policy

For COVID-19

The MyGovtSchemes App is not capturing, accesses, collects, uses, or shares personal or sensitive user data related to COVID-19. We are only showing covid related information like

  • 1. COVID Stats - Total Number of Cases, Active Cases, Discharge Cases
  • 2. Vaccination Stats like: Total Number of vaccination done
  • 3. COVID certificate download through registered mobile number on CoWIN (Uses CoWIN Api’s)
  • 4. Vaccination Labs location along with slot availability status


APP Permission

CAMERA: MyGovtSchemes requires access of camera for capturing photo/image at the time of activity submission, or to add/change profile photo.
RECEIVE: Push Notification:-  To send notifications and other Broadcast messages from MyGovtSchemes notification system to users device
Biometric permission is used for locking MyGovtSchemes App.