National Fellowship Scholarship For Higher Education Of ST Students - Scholarship (Formally Top Class Education For Schedule Tribe Students)
Schemes On NSP
Central Sector Scheme
Last Date Of The Scheme
Last Date for Correction
Institute Verification Last Date
DNO / SNO / MNO Verification Last Date
Objective of National Scholarship Scheme:
The objective of the scheme is to provide financial assistance to meritorious Scheduled Tribe students to enable them to pursue higher education after completing post-graduate degree.
Eligibility for National Scholarship:
(i). Post-Graduation and should have taken admission in the universities covered under the category, as mentioned at 2.4 below.
(ii). The candidates should have minimum 55% marks at the final examination/grading at PG level.
(ii). The candidates should have minimum 55% marks at the final examination/grading at PG level.
Number of National Scholarships:
The total number of fresh fellowships for M.Phil/M.Phil +PhD/Ph.D every year will be 750. In case of non-availability of adequate number of Scheduled Tribe applicants, the number of fellowships not availed during that year will be carried forward to the next academic year. There is no State/University wise ceiling on the number of slots.
(i). In case the number of applicants exceeds the number of available slots for awards, selection will be made on the basis of marks obtained in post-graduation exam.
(i). In case the number of applicants exceeds the number of available slots for awards, selection will be made on the basis of marks obtained in post-graduation exam.
(ii). Slots will be provided to sub-categories subject to the following priority:
Priority 1 12 3 4 Category Divyangjan [5% of 750] PVTG (List at Annexure-VIII) Female [30% of 750] ST Others Total Slots 38 25 225 462 750
Note-1:-Eligible students who have got offer of admission in IITS/AIIMS/IIMS/IISER will be given priority and slots meant for ST-Others category (Sr.No.4 above) will be reduced proportionately.
Note-2: -The students applying as Divyangjan should produce the Disability Certificate, certifying minimum 40% disability, issued by the competent authority designated by respective State/UT.
(iii). In case adequate number of applications is not received for the above sub- categories, then the unfilled slots will be allotted to eligible ST research applicants not covered under any of the three categories mentioned above, on the basis of inter-se merit based on post- graduation examination.
(iv). Procedure for determining slot distribution for sub category:
Category 1 [Divyangjan]: 38 slots will be reserved for Divyangjan Research scholars, and their selection will be on the basis of merit. In case of more than 38 applications received in this category, top 38 applicants, in the order of merit, will be selected, and the remaining applications will be treated under normal ST category. However, if the number of applications received is less than 38, remaining vacant slots will be filled by the next priority category i.e PVTG.
Category 2 [PVTG]: 25 slots will be reserved for PVTG applicants, and their selection will be on the basis of merit. In case, more than 25 applications are received in this category, top 25 applicants, in the order of merit, will be selected against the allotted slots, and the remaining applications will be treated under normal ST category. However, if the number of applications received is less than 25, remaining vacant slots will be filled by the next priority category i.e Female.
Category 3 [Female]: Out of total 750, 225 slots will be reserved for female applicants [including Divyangjan and PVTG]. In case more than 225 applications [including Divyangjan and PVTG] from female candidates are received in this category, top 225 applicants, in the order of merit, will be selected against the available slots. The remaining applications will be treated under ST open category. In case the number of applications of female candidates is less than 225, the remaining vacant slots will be adjusted with ST others category.
(iv). The guidelines provide that the student is eligible for scholarship for regular and full time M. Phil/Ph.D in the University/Academic Institute as mentioned in para 2.4. However, for pursuing Ph.D courses in AIIMS/IIMS/IITs/IISERS, where the pre- requisite may be that the students should have financial security in hand before he/she can take admission, preference will be given to those students who have secured offer of admission from AIIMS/IITS/IIMS/IISERS. Therefore, the student should mention, in the application form, that he/she has got offer of admission and should also upload the offer letter issued.
(i). In case the number of applicants exceeds the number of available slots for awards, selection will be made on the basis of marks obtained in post-graduation exam.
(i). In case the number of applicants exceeds the number of available slots for awards, selection will be made on the basis of marks obtained in post-graduation exam.
(ii). Slots will be provided to sub-categories subject to the following priority:
Priority 1 12 3 4 Category Divyangjan [5% of 750] PVTG (List at Annexure-VIII) Female [30% of 750] ST Others Total Slots 38 25 225 462 750
Note-1:-Eligible students who have got offer of admission in IITS/AIIMS/IIMS/IISER will be given priority and slots meant for ST-Others category (Sr.No.4 above) will be reduced proportionately.
Note-2: -The students applying as Divyangjan should produce the Disability Certificate, certifying minimum 40% disability, issued by the competent authority designated by respective State/UT.
(iii). In case adequate number of applications is not received for the above sub- categories, then the unfilled slots will be allotted to eligible ST research applicants not covered under any of the three categories mentioned above, on the basis of inter-se merit based on post- graduation examination.
(iv). Procedure for determining slot distribution for sub category:
Category 1 [Divyangjan]: 38 slots will be reserved for Divyangjan Research scholars, and their selection will be on the basis of merit. In case of more than 38 applications received in this category, top 38 applicants, in the order of merit, will be selected, and the remaining applications will be treated under normal ST category. However, if the number of applications received is less than 38, remaining vacant slots will be filled by the next priority category i.e PVTG.
Category 2 [PVTG]: 25 slots will be reserved for PVTG applicants, and their selection will be on the basis of merit. In case, more than 25 applications are received in this category, top 25 applicants, in the order of merit, will be selected against the allotted slots, and the remaining applications will be treated under normal ST category. However, if the number of applications received is less than 25, remaining vacant slots will be filled by the next priority category i.e Female.
Category 3 [Female]: Out of total 750, 225 slots will be reserved for female applicants [including Divyangjan and PVTG]. In case more than 225 applications [including Divyangjan and PVTG] from female candidates are received in this category, top 225 applicants, in the order of merit, will be selected against the available slots. The remaining applications will be treated under ST open category. In case the number of applications of female candidates is less than 225, the remaining vacant slots will be adjusted with ST others category.
(iv). The guidelines provide that the student is eligible for scholarship for regular and full time M. Phil/Ph.D in the University/Academic Institute as mentioned in para 2.4. However, for pursuing Ph.D courses in AIIMS/IIMS/IITs/IISERS, where the pre- requisite may be that the students should have financial security in hand before he/she can take admission, preference will be given to those students who have secured offer of admission from AIIMS/IITS/IIMS/IISERS. Therefore, the student should mention, in the application form, that he/she has got offer of admission and should also upload the offer letter issued.
National Scholarship Selection Criteria:
On-line Application through Portal
The applications for research scholarship are invited through online mode once a year through online portal developed by the Ministry. The date of opening and closing of portal will be given due publicity through print and electronic media and through Universities/Institutes. The portal will usually open on July 1 and close on September 30 in the academic year. These dates may change, depending on the prevailing circumstances, which will be notified through the portal of Ministry. Applicants are advised to watch the portal for opening of application form. Applicants are advised to go through the Instruction Manual before applying online on the portal, and for any query, may refer to the help desk module given on the portal. Incomplete applications will not be considered. Candidates have to apply strictly as per the instructions given in online application portal.
The applications for research scholarship are invited through online mode once a year through online portal developed by the Ministry. The date of opening and closing of portal will be given due publicity through print and electronic media and through Universities/Institutes. The portal will usually open on July 1 and close on September 30 in the academic year. These dates may change, depending on the prevailing circumstances, which will be notified through the portal of Ministry. Applicants are advised to watch the portal for opening of application form. Applicants are advised to go through the Instruction Manual before applying online on the portal, and for any query, may refer to the help desk module given on the portal. Incomplete applications will not be considered. Candidates have to apply strictly as per the instructions given in online application portal.
National Scholarship Renewal:
हर साल नवीनीकरण करवाना अनिवार्य है।
Income Criteria for National Scholarship:
There is no income criteria for eligibility in respect of this scholarship.
Age Limit for National Scholarship:
Maximum 36 years, as on first day of July of the relevant year of the award of scholarship.
Documents to be uploaded on National Scholarship Portal:
Applicant will be required to upload the following documents on the portal for registration:
Latest coloured passport size photograph
• ST/PVTG certificate issued by the competent authority
• 10th /Matriculation/equivalent certificate in support of date of birth
• Divyangjan certificate issued by the competent authority
• Post-Graduation mark sheet [Aggregate marks in %] /equivalent % marks in case of CGPA (Conversion formula from CGPA to percentage which was issued by Institute/University to be produced.)
• Admission/Joining certificate of M.Phil/Ph.D / Integrated M.Phil+Ph.D from the University concerned.
• Offer of admission in respect of students admitted to IITs/AIIMS/IIMs/IISERs.
After filing of application, the form along with the documents will be available online to the concerned university/Institute for verification:
Latest coloured passport size photograph
• ST/PVTG certificate issued by the competent authority
• 10th /Matriculation/equivalent certificate in support of date of birth
• Divyangjan certificate issued by the competent authority
• Post-Graduation mark sheet [Aggregate marks in %] /equivalent % marks in case of CGPA (Conversion formula from CGPA to percentage which was issued by Institute/University to be produced.)
• Admission/Joining certificate of M.Phil/Ph.D / Integrated M.Phil+Ph.D from the University concerned.
• Offer of admission in respect of students admitted to IITs/AIIMS/IIMs/IISERs.
After filing of application, the form along with the documents will be available online to the concerned university/Institute for verification:
Verification Process by University / Institute:
The portal has provision of online verification by the Universities where the applicant has taken admission. Nodal Officer from the University and verifying officer who is dealing with Scholarship is required to register on the online portal. The officials may go through the Instruction manual for details given in the portal. []
Nodal Officer from University will verify physical documents of the research scholars uploaded by him/her on the portal. It would be the responsibility of the concerned University to ensure that the information uploaded by the research scholar is correct and is matching with the physical documents of the research scholars furnished at the time of verification.
After receiving student details duly verified by the Institute, online verification of application will be done by the Ministry. In case of any discrepancies found in the application, Ministry will mark application as defective and the defective application will be visible to the student. The student is advised to make correction in the defective application and required to resubmit once again on the portal at Institute level. Institute will verify the corrected application and submit it to the Ministry through portal for final verification and submission before the last date.
Nodal Officer from University will verify physical documents of the research scholars uploaded by him/her on the portal. It would be the responsibility of the concerned University to ensure that the information uploaded by the research scholar is correct and is matching with the physical documents of the research scholars furnished at the time of verification.
After receiving student details duly verified by the Institute, online verification of application will be done by the Ministry. In case of any discrepancies found in the application, Ministry will mark application as defective and the defective application will be visible to the student. The student is advised to make correction in the defective application and required to resubmit once again on the portal at Institute level. Institute will verify the corrected application and submit it to the Ministry through portal for final verification and submission before the last date.
NSP Helpdesk:
Email: helpdesk[at]nsp[dot]gov[dot]in Helpline No: 0120 - 6619540 (8:00 AM to 8:00 PM on all days, except government holidays)
Public Financial Management System - PFMS:
Email: helpdesk-pfms[at]gov[dot]in Toll free Number: 1800 118 111
Academic Year:
Apply For One Time Registration (OTR):
Apply For Scholarship:
Registered Institutes on NSP:
Coming Soon...
Schemes on NSP:
Previous Year Application Status:
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Aadhaar Seva Kendra:
Check Aadhaar Seeding Status:
Check UDID Details:
Terms & Conditions of National Scholarship:
As per government Rules.
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