Central Sector Scheme Of Scholarships For College And University Students
Schemes On NSP
Central Sector Scheme
Last Date Of The Scheme
Last Date for Correction
Institute Verification Last Date
DNO / SNO / MNO Verification Last Date
Objective of National Scholarship Scheme:
The "Pradhan Mantri Uchchatar Shiksha Protsahan (PM-USP) Central Sector Scheme of Scholarship for College and University Students" is implemented by the Department of Higher Education since 2008.
The objective of the scheme is to provide financial assistance to the meritorious students, to meet a part of their day-to-day expenses while pursuing higher studies.
The objective of the scheme is to provide financial assistance to the meritorious students, to meet a part of their day-to-day expenses while pursuing higher studies.
The scholarships are awarded by Ministry of Education, Government of India on the basis of results of Higher Secondary / Class XII Board Examination. A maximum of 82,000 fresh scholarships per annum are provided for pursuing graduate / postgraduate degree in colleges and universities and for professional courses, such as Medical, Engineering etc.
Eligibility for National Scholarship:
i. Students who are above 80th percentile of successful candidates in the relevant stream from the respective Board of Examination in Class XII of 10+2 pattern or equivalent;
ii. Pursuing regular degree courses and not correspondence or distance mode or pursuing Diploma courses;
iii. Pursuing courses at colleges/institutions recognized by All India Council for Technical Education and respective Regulatory Bodies oncerned;
iv. Not availing benefit of any other scholarship schemes including State run scholarship schemes/ fee waiver & reimbursement scheme;
v. Students with gross parental/family income upto Rs. 4.5 lakh per annum are eligible for scholarship under the scheme. Income certificate will be required only for the fresh applicants;
vi. Student changing his/ her college/institute of study will be allowed to continue/renew the scholarship provided the course of study and the institution is having valid AISHE Code; The AISHE code can be checked in the portal https://aishe.gov.in/aishe/aisheCode.
vii. Students who missed to apply for renewal of application online on NSP will be allowed to apply for renewal of scholarship for subsequent year on NSP, if he/she fulfils eligibility condition for renewal;
viii. For renewal of scholarship in each year of study, besides getting at least 50% marks in the Annual Examination, maintenance of adequate attendance of at least 75%, will also be the criteria. Complaints against the student regarding any in disciplined or criminal behaviour including any complaints of having indulged in ragging, will lead to forfeiture of scholarship;
ix. Beneficiaries/ Applicants under the scheme must apply online in the National Scholarships Portal (www.scholarships.gov.in) for the fresh/ renewal scholarships. Fresh/Renewal applications sent directly to the Ministry of Education shall not be accepted.
ii. Pursuing regular degree courses and not correspondence or distance mode or pursuing Diploma courses;
iii. Pursuing courses at colleges/institutions recognized by All India Council for Technical Education and respective Regulatory Bodies oncerned;
iv. Not availing benefit of any other scholarship schemes including State run scholarship schemes/ fee waiver & reimbursement scheme;
v. Students with gross parental/family income upto Rs. 4.5 lakh per annum are eligible for scholarship under the scheme. Income certificate will be required only for the fresh applicants;
vi. Student changing his/ her college/institute of study will be allowed to continue/renew the scholarship provided the course of study and the institution is having valid AISHE Code; The AISHE code can be checked in the portal https://aishe.gov.in/aishe/aisheCode.
vii. Students who missed to apply for renewal of application online on NSP will be allowed to apply for renewal of scholarship for subsequent year on NSP, if he/she fulfils eligibility condition for renewal;
viii. For renewal of scholarship in each year of study, besides getting at least 50% marks in the Annual Examination, maintenance of adequate attendance of at least 75%, will also be the criteria. Complaints against the student regarding any in disciplined or criminal behaviour including any complaints of having indulged in ragging, will lead to forfeiture of scholarship;
ix. Beneficiaries/ Applicants under the scheme must apply online in the National Scholarships Portal (www.scholarships.gov.in) for the fresh/ renewal scholarships. Fresh/Renewal applications sent directly to the Ministry of Education shall not be accepted.
Number of National Scholarships:
The total number of scholarships are divided amongst the State Education Boards based on the State's population in the age group of 18-25 years, after segregating share of CBSE and ICSE on the basis of number of students passing out from various Boards in the country. 50% of the scholarships are earmarked for girls. Out of the total scholarship slots earmarked for UTs of Jammu & Kashmir and Ladakh, 3% slots shall be earmarked for the students from the UT of Ladakh. The number of scholarships allotted to a State Education Board is distributed amongst pass outs of the Humanities, Science and Commerce streams in the ratio of 3:3:1. In case of shortfall in the number of applications, the scholarship slots shall be interoperable among categories (Gen, OBC, SC & ST), gender (Female, Male) and State Quota to maximize use of slots for fresh scholarships with effect from academic year 2022-23, subject to the condition that guidelines of Ministry of Finance and NITI Aayog regarding SC/ST fund allocation of the schemes are adhered to.
Payment and mode of disbursal of additional scholarship:
Students are required to have the bank accounts opened, especially, in their name for availing the benefits under the scheme. The scholarship will be disbursed directly into the savings bank accounts of the beneficiaries through Direct Benefit Transfer (DBT) mode. The student can track their payment status from the template "Know Your Payment" in the Public Financial Management System (PFMS) portal [https://pfms.nic.in/Users/LoginDetails/Login.aspx] either by indicating Aadhaar number or bank account number or NSP Application ID.
National Scholarship Selection Criteria:
i. The applications are received online only. Verification of credentials of the students like caste, educational qualifications etc. are done through DIGILOCKER facility of the MeITY, Govt. of India.
ii. National Scholarships Portal (NSP) (www.scholarships.gov.in) will provide the timelines for opening & closing of the portal.
iii. The Guidelines for application, verification, selection and disbursement of scholarship will be as per the NSP.
iv. Selection list would be generated/displayed on NSP.
v. Online applications will be verified at two levels i.e by the Institute, where the student is studying and thereafter by the concerned State Higher Education Department or any other Agency/ Official nominated by the State as State Nodal Agency (both for fresh and renewal applicants).
vi. Latest guideline on Timelines will be made available on NSP.
vii. Students will not be permanently debarred for scholarships due to delay to renew or verification. However, students will have to submit renewal applications within a cut-off date. Renewal for that year will not be allowed if an applicant misses this
ii. National Scholarships Portal (NSP) (www.scholarships.gov.in) will provide the timelines for opening & closing of the portal.
iii. The Guidelines for application, verification, selection and disbursement of scholarship will be as per the NSP.
iv. Selection list would be generated/displayed on NSP.
v. Online applications will be verified at two levels i.e by the Institute, where the student is studying and thereafter by the concerned State Higher Education Department or any other Agency/ Official nominated by the State as State Nodal Agency (both for fresh and renewal applicants).
vi. Latest guideline on Timelines will be made available on NSP.
vii. Students will not be permanently debarred for scholarships due to delay to renew or verification. However, students will have to submit renewal applications within a cut-off date. Renewal for that year will not be allowed if an applicant misses this
Reservation in National Scholarship:
Students belonging to reserved categories/weaker sections/minorities etc. are eligible to get benefit of reservation on the basis of merit, subject to Central Reservation Policy [i.e. 15% seats are earmarked for SCs, 7.5% for STs and 27% for OBCs and 5% horizontal reservation for students with Benchmark Disabilities (Disability of 40% or more) in all the categories]. The Central Reservation Policy will be applicable in filling the slots against each year's target. If slots under a specific group is not filled after considering all the States/UTs, the vacant slots will be allocated to other categories so that maximum number of eligible students can get the benefit, subject to overall ceiling of slots.
Eligibility and Course Duration:
The rate of scholarship is Rs.12,000/-per annum at Graduation level for first three years of College and University courses and Rs.20,000/-per annum at Post- Graduation level. Students pursuing professional courses, in case, where the duration of course is five (5) years/Integrated course will get Rs. 20,000/-per annum in the 4th and 5th year. However, students pursuing technical courses such as B.Tech, B.Engg. will get scholarship up to graduation level only i.e. Rs. 12,000 p.a. for 1st, 2nd and 3rd year and Rs. 20,000 in the 4th year.
Note: The rate of scholarship is Rs.10,000/-per annum for first three years of fresh/ renewal scholarships with respect to academic year 2021-22, even if the actual release happens in FY 2022-23.
Note: The rate of scholarship is Rs.10,000/-per annum for first three years of fresh/ renewal scholarships with respect to academic year 2021-22, even if the actual release happens in FY 2022-23.
Procedure To Apply For National Scholarship:
i. The applications are received online only. Verification of credentials of the students like caste, educational qualifications etc. are done through
DIGILOCKER facility of the MeITY, Govt. of India.
ii. National Scholarships Portal (NSP) (www.scholarships.gov.in) will provide the timelines for opening & closing of the portal.
iii. The Guidelines for application, verification, selection and disbursement of scholarship will be as per the NSP.
iv. Selection list would be generated/displayed on NSP.
v. Online applications will be verified at two levels i.e by the Institute, where the student is studying and thereafter by the concerned State Higher Education Department or any other Agency/ Official nominated by the State as State Nodal Agency (both for fresh and renewal applicants).
vi. Latest guideline on Timelines will be made available on NSP.
vii. Students will not be permanently debarred for scholarships due to delay to renew or verification. However, students will have to submit renewal applications within a cut-off date. Renewal for that year will not be allowed if an applicant misses this deadline.
DIGILOCKER facility of the MeITY, Govt. of India.
ii. National Scholarships Portal (NSP) (www.scholarships.gov.in) will provide the timelines for opening & closing of the portal.
iii. The Guidelines for application, verification, selection and disbursement of scholarship will be as per the NSP.
iv. Selection list would be generated/displayed on NSP.
v. Online applications will be verified at two levels i.e by the Institute, where the student is studying and thereafter by the concerned State Higher Education Department or any other Agency/ Official nominated by the State as State Nodal Agency (both for fresh and renewal applicants).
vi. Latest guideline on Timelines will be made available on NSP.
vii. Students will not be permanently debarred for scholarships due to delay to renew or verification. However, students will have to submit renewal applications within a cut-off date. Renewal for that year will not be allowed if an applicant misses this deadline.
National Scholarship Renewal:
हर साल नवीनीकरण करवाना अनिवार्य है।
Income Criteria for National Scholarship:
As per government Rules.
Registration Process for National Scholarship:
NSP Helpdesk:
Email: helpdesk[at]nsp[dot]gov[dot]in
Helpline No: 0120 - 6619540
(8:00 AM to 8:00 PM on all days, except government holidays)
Helpline No: 0120 - 6619540
(8:00 AM to 8:00 PM on all days, except government holidays)
Public Financial Management System - PFMS:
Email: helpdesk-pfms[at]gov[dot]in
Toll free Number: 1800 118 111
Toll free Number: 1800 118 111
Academic Year:
Apply For One Time Registration (OTR):
Apply For Scholarship:
Registered Institutes on NSP:
Coming Soon...
Schemes on NSP:
Previous Year Application Status:
Track Your Payment:
Aadhaar Seva Kendra:
Check Aadhaar Seeding Status:
Check UDID Details:
FAQs for applying Scholarships on the National Scholarship Portal:
1. What are the eligibility criteria for applying the “Central Sector Scheme of Scholarship for College and University Students”?
PM-USP Central Sector Scheme of Scholarship for College and University Students is a merit-cum-means scholarship scheme.
Eligibility conditions:-
• Students who are above 80th percentile of successful candidates in the relevant stream from a particular Board of Examination in Class XII.
• Students pursuing regular course (not correspondence or distance mode).
• Having family income upto Rs. 4.5 lakh per annum.
• Not receiving any other scholarship or fee reimbursement of any kind.
• Diploma students are not eligible under the scheme.
• Students who had taken a drop after 12th class are not eligible under the scheme.
2. What is the methodology adopted for generating Merit List for selecting the beneficiaries under the Scheme?
From the eligible applicants, merit list is drawn based on gender (50 boys: 50 girls), stream (3-Science: 1-Commerce: 3-Humanities), Category (SC-15%, ST-7.5% and OBC-27%), and 5% horizontal reservation is provided for students with Benchmark Disabilities (Disability of 40% or more) from the allocated slots of respective State Education Boards.
3. What is the rate of scholarship under the Scheme?
The rate of scholarship is Rs. 12,000/- per annum at Graduation level for first three years of College and University courses and Rs. 20,000/- per annum at Post-Graduation level. Students pursuing technical courses are paid Rs. 20,000/- per annum in the 4th and 5th year. Students pursing B.Tech/BE would get scholarship for 4 years only i.e Rs. 12000 per annum for first three years and Rs. 20,000 per annum in the 4th year.
4. How a second/third/fourth year student gets scholarships?
All the students finally selected for scholarship in first year are eligible for renewal of scholarships in 2nd/ 3rd years subject to fulfilment of certain eligibility conditions. The student have to apply again in the same portal as renewal applicant and provide necessary marksheets, etc. for this. The applicant should not receive scholarship from any other department/ ministry.
5. What is the duration of scholarships and criteria for renewal under the scheme?
A student will be eligible for the scholarship for a total duration not exceeding 5 years. A scholarship under the scheme is renewable on year-to-year basis up to Post Graduate level (except for the students pursuing technical courses leading to degree at graduation level).
6. What is the methodology for disbursement of scholarship under the Scheme?
Scholarship is disbursed through Direct Benefit Transfer (DBT) mode i.e. directly into the bank accounts of the beneficiary. The scholarship amount will be disbursed in the Aadhaar Seeded Bank Account. To have seamless disbursal of scholarships, students are required to seed the Aadhaar with the bank account as mentioned in the application form. The student can track his/her payment status from the template "Know Your Payment" in the Public Financial Management System (PFMS) portal and can also check status on NSP with their login credentials. If the PFMS status is shown as "Success", then the student is required to check the status of the bank account which was seeded with Aadhaar at the time of transaction.
7. What is Aadhaar Seeding with Bank Account?
The Aadhaar Seeding means linking Aadhaar holder's Unique 12-digit AADHAAR number with their Bank Account number for receiving Direct Benefit Transfers (DBT) provided under various Government schemes like, Scholarships.
8. How to seed an Aadhaar number with a Bank Account?
The following is the process flow of Aadhaar seeding
a. The student has to visit the bank branch where she is holding an account and submit the duly filled consent form
b. The bank officials after verifying the details and documents provided (as may be required) and authenticity of the customer based on the signature will accept Aadhaar seeding consent form and provide an acknowledgement.
c. The branch will then link the Aadhaar number to the customer’s account and also in NPCI mapper.
9. How to check the Aadhaar Seeding Status?
The Aadhaar Seeding status can be checked on Bharat Aadhaar Seeding Enabler (BASE) platform on NPCI. To use BASE, a student has to:
a. Go to the BASE URL.
b. Click on the Consumer tab.
c. Click on Bharat Aadhaar Seeding Enabler (BASE).
d. Select the dropdown to get Aadhaar mapping status or history.
10. Who can apply for scholarship under PM-USP CSSS on National Scholarship Portal (NSP)?
(a) FRESH: Students who have completed Class-XII in the last Academic Year and who are in the Top 20th percentile list of concerned Board (SEB/CBSE/CISCE) and got admission in 1st year of regular graduation course are eligible to apply for fresh scholarship. This list is given by the respective state education boards. Those who are not covered in this list will not be able to avail the benefits of PM-USP CSSS scholarship scheme.
(b) RENEWAL: Students who have received fresh scholarship in last four academic year (e.g for AY 2024-25, beneficiaries of AY 2020-21, 2021-22, 2022-23 and 2023-24), can apply on the National Scholarship Portal http://scholarships.gov.in/ for renewal before the cut-off date.
To receive renewal scholarship, it is compulsory for the scheme beneficiaries to apply on NSP. If missed out in an academic year, he/she can apply for renewal in subsequent year subject to fulfilling other renewal eligibility criteria (For Example, Student who missed to apply for the renewal in 2023-24 can apply for the Renewal 2024- 25). Therefore, applicant has to ensure to apply for renewal on portal and to ensure that his/her application is verified by the Institute and State Nodal officer, before closure of the portal.
11. What is One-Time Registration (OTR)?
One-Time Registration (OTR) is a unique number provided to streamline the scholarship registration process. Users register with their mobile number and complete e-KYC (electronic Know Your Customer). The OTR number is generated once and remains valid throughout the student's academic career.
12. How to get the OTR number?
To create OTR, student should first keep the following documents ready:
(a) Active mobile number,
(b) Aadhaar number (in absence of Aadhaar Number, Aadhaar Enrollment ID),
(c) Mobile number linked with Aadhaar.
Fresh, 2024 applicants: Generate the OTR number using the option GET YOUR OTR -> 'Apply Now.
Renewal, 2024 applicants:-
(a) Students who provided Aadhaar and completed Face-authentication in AY 2023-24: NSP has sent their OTR number on the registered mobile number. The students can directly apply for the scholarship on the NSP Portal using this OTR.
(b) Students who had provided Aadhaar and have not completed Face-authentication in AY 2023-24: NSP has generated their Reference number, and the student has to obtain their OTR by completing the face-authentication through NSP OTR app (available on Play Store).
(c) Students who had applied with EID in AY 2023-24: Students have to generate their OTR using the option GET YOUR OTR -> 'Apply Now'
13. What should I do if I forget my OTR number?
If you forget your OTR number, you can retrieve it by selecting the "Forgot OTR Number" option. To recover your OTR number, you will need to provide the Aadhaar number used during your e-KYC process.
14. How can I apply for scholarship under PM-USP CSSS?
Login with your Aadhaar/ OTR number. The pre-filled personal details will be fetched automatically from the OTR registration form. Now, to generate your Application ID, the students are required to select their Domicile State and the "Post-Matric" option from the drop-down menu.
The generated Application ID will be available under 'My Application'. The student can now submit the application by filling the appropriate General information, Category and Academic details; and select the "PM-USP Central Sector Scheme of Scholarship for College and University Students". After this, upload the mandatory documents and submit the application form.
15. What are the precautions to be kept in mind at the time of online application registration?
a. While filling the application, student is required to ensure that the name of self, name of father and Roll No., should exactly match as it has been mentioned in the Roll Card/Mark sheet, so that the data gets captured and the scheme is visible on the National Scholarship Portal. While filling the application form, in the column of State Education Boards they have to select the board as per the list at annexure.
Note: in case name in 12th examination marks sheet and Aadhaar card is different, then students are advised to get the name in Aadhaar same as in his/her mark sheet.
For example:-
Father's Name as per mark sheet- Shri Mahendra Pratap Singh and father's name as per AADHAAR is M.P. Singh - Incorrect)
b. Have a valid personal email ID and mobile no. which should be kept active till the completion of Scholarship disbursement Process. It is advisable not to change the mobile number for the duration of the scholarship. NSP may send necessary intimation and information through the registered Mobile number. In case a candidate does not have a valid personal e-mail ID, he/she should create his/her new e-mail ID and mobile no. before applying on-line and must maintain that email account and mobile number. Future necessary information and relevant OTP would be provided on mentioned mobile number. The students are advised to mention their own mobile number. The students must also check the SMS from NIC-NSP regularly.
c. NIC and MoE do not send any communication other than Email/SMS.
d. No change in E-mail ID and mobile number will be entertained during the entire process.
e. The demographic details provided in the OTR login, need to be same as that in the Aadhaar and the 12th examination marks sheet.
f. Any change in the demographic details like Name, Father’s Name, Date of Birth, Contact Information need to be performed in the OTR login and the same need to be authenticated through e-KYC and face authentication again.
16. When to apply for scholarship on the National Scholarship Portal?
The application process will be made live on National Scholarship Portal (NSP) www.scholarships.gov.in. Please check NSP portal regularly.
17. What precautions are to be exercised while selecting the institution from the drop-down menu?
While selecting the course, where he/she is studying, if there are similar courses with difference in course duration, student need to ascertain that they are selecting the right course from their Institute Nodal Officers.
18. What precautions are to be exercised while selecting the institution from the drop-down menu?
While selecting the Institute, where he/she is studying, in the circumstances of having common/matching name of institutions, student need to ascertain the right institute by AISHE code assigned to all institutions. For example:
State- Haryana- Technical/Polytechnic
AISHE Code- S-958
Clicking the FINAL SUBMIT button, after incorrect selection of institution shall lead to non-verification of applications by the institution, which cannot be corrected thereafter and such grievance will not be entertained.
19. What are the documents that are required to be uploaded for applying and verification?
The following documents need to be uploaded on the Portal at the time of application:
a. FRESH: 12th Mark Sheet, Family Income Certificate, Category/ caste Certification for reserved category students, Disability Certificate
b. RENEWAL: Previous Year Mark Sheet.
The copy of above-mentioned documents must be provided to the institutes at the time of verification, if sought for by the Institute Nodal Officer (INO).
19. Can I edit the information already saved and upto what time?
You can edit the information till final submission of the online application. After final submission of application, information can only be edited when your application is marked as defective by the verification authority.
20. Which fields I can edit?
You can edit all details except the Personal Details provided during OTR. It may be noted that once you click on "Confirm and Submit" button your application will be forwarded to the next level and then you cannot edit further.
21. Do I have to fill up the online application in one sitting?
No. You can fill the online application in many sittings, until you are satisfied that you have entered all desirable fields correctly. The software provides facility to save your application at every stage until you click on 'Confirm & Submit' button.
22. What is UID number/Aadhaar Number?
UID number otherwise known as 'Aadhaar' number is Unique Identification Number given by Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI). The Aadhaar Number should be seeded with the Bank Account in which Scholarship Amount is desired to be transferred.
23. How should I check the status of my application online?
You have to login under the option 'Student Login' by entering your Aadhaar number/ OTR number. After login, under the option 'My Application', you will be able to view the option 'Check Your Status' against your Application ID. Under this option you can check your online application status.
24. How do I know the name and address of the Nodal Officers my State Education Board/CBSE/CISCE?
The name and contact details of the Nodal Officer of the State Education Boards/CBSE / CISCE are available in the Nodal Officers (Scheme Wise) option available under the Public Corner on the home page of National Scholarship Portal (NSP).
25. Where to lodge complaints/queries/grievances regarding scholarship application?
The grievances need to be register on the Grievance Registration Tab available in their Login. All the technical complaints regarding working of the portal/ processing of online application/ verification status, etc. may be addressed to the National Scholarship Portal. Grievances regarding "PM-USP Central Sector Scheme of Scholarship for College and University Students" may be addressed to Department of Higher Education, MoE.
26. Whether the applicants or the institutes need to send the Physical copy of the online application form to State Nodal Officer or Ministry?
No, it is not needed.
27. What to know about the withdrawal of the application?
The student can withdraw their scholarship application by selecting the appropriate option from the Drop-Down menu. If a student wants to avail benefits of any other scholarship scheme, then they must withdraw from the present scheme. The scholarship application can be withdrawn by the applicant prior to its final verification by the State Nodal Agency. Note: Do not use the option unless you want to surrender the scholarship.
28. What to do if the course under which the student is enrolled is not available after selecting the Institute?
This situation arises when the Institute in which the student is studying has not updated their profile. Hence, the student has to ask their Institute Nodal Officer to update their profile and validate all the courses and their duration. For further guidance, the institute may check the information under the Institutions option available on the National Scholarship Portal Homepage.
IMPORTANT Notes for the Applicants:
• After finally submitting the applications on the portal students are advised to get their online application verified by the respective institutions before the cut-off date. Application which is not verified either by the institute or by the concerned State Higher Education Department /State Nodal Agency or by both will be treated as 'Invalid'.
• For College and course change after completion of graduation courses (general degree course), use the option update college/institution and course in your login. After filling right college/institution and course name then only click on submit button because once this request is submitted, system disables the option to update college and course. If the student clicks the submit option without updating the option or filling wrong information, then student will not get another chance.
• For change in college during 2nd and 3rd year of the course, kindly contact your State Nodal Agency at least 2 weeks prior to closing date of NSP along with following documents: (a) Previous and Present College ID card, (b) Present and Previous College Name and AISHE Code, (c) Present and Previous Course. The requests for change in college received in the last 7 days prior to closing of NSP will not be entertained.
• Jammu and Kashmir Board students who passed 12th examination in November 20xx (2022) must have to enter 20xx+1 (2023) in the column “12th passing year” while filling scholarship application form online on NSP.
PM-USP Central Sector Scheme of Scholarship for College and University Students is a merit-cum-means scholarship scheme.
Eligibility conditions:-
• Students who are above 80th percentile of successful candidates in the relevant stream from a particular Board of Examination in Class XII.
• Students pursuing regular course (not correspondence or distance mode).
• Having family income upto Rs. 4.5 lakh per annum.
• Not receiving any other scholarship or fee reimbursement of any kind.
• Diploma students are not eligible under the scheme.
• Students who had taken a drop after 12th class are not eligible under the scheme.
2. What is the methodology adopted for generating Merit List for selecting the beneficiaries under the Scheme?
From the eligible applicants, merit list is drawn based on gender (50 boys: 50 girls), stream (3-Science: 1-Commerce: 3-Humanities), Category (SC-15%, ST-7.5% and OBC-27%), and 5% horizontal reservation is provided for students with Benchmark Disabilities (Disability of 40% or more) from the allocated slots of respective State Education Boards.
3. What is the rate of scholarship under the Scheme?
The rate of scholarship is Rs. 12,000/- per annum at Graduation level for first three years of College and University courses and Rs. 20,000/- per annum at Post-Graduation level. Students pursuing technical courses are paid Rs. 20,000/- per annum in the 4th and 5th year. Students pursing B.Tech/BE would get scholarship for 4 years only i.e Rs. 12000 per annum for first three years and Rs. 20,000 per annum in the 4th year.
4. How a second/third/fourth year student gets scholarships?
All the students finally selected for scholarship in first year are eligible for renewal of scholarships in 2nd/ 3rd years subject to fulfilment of certain eligibility conditions. The student have to apply again in the same portal as renewal applicant and provide necessary marksheets, etc. for this. The applicant should not receive scholarship from any other department/ ministry.
5. What is the duration of scholarships and criteria for renewal under the scheme?
A student will be eligible for the scholarship for a total duration not exceeding 5 years. A scholarship under the scheme is renewable on year-to-year basis up to Post Graduate level (except for the students pursuing technical courses leading to degree at graduation level).
6. What is the methodology for disbursement of scholarship under the Scheme?
Scholarship is disbursed through Direct Benefit Transfer (DBT) mode i.e. directly into the bank accounts of the beneficiary. The scholarship amount will be disbursed in the Aadhaar Seeded Bank Account. To have seamless disbursal of scholarships, students are required to seed the Aadhaar with the bank account as mentioned in the application form. The student can track his/her payment status from the template "Know Your Payment" in the Public Financial Management System (PFMS) portal and can also check status on NSP with their login credentials. If the PFMS status is shown as "Success", then the student is required to check the status of the bank account which was seeded with Aadhaar at the time of transaction.
7. What is Aadhaar Seeding with Bank Account?
The Aadhaar Seeding means linking Aadhaar holder's Unique 12-digit AADHAAR number with their Bank Account number for receiving Direct Benefit Transfers (DBT) provided under various Government schemes like, Scholarships.
8. How to seed an Aadhaar number with a Bank Account?
The following is the process flow of Aadhaar seeding
a. The student has to visit the bank branch where she is holding an account and submit the duly filled consent form
b. The bank officials after verifying the details and documents provided (as may be required) and authenticity of the customer based on the signature will accept Aadhaar seeding consent form and provide an acknowledgement.
c. The branch will then link the Aadhaar number to the customer’s account and also in NPCI mapper.
9. How to check the Aadhaar Seeding Status?
The Aadhaar Seeding status can be checked on Bharat Aadhaar Seeding Enabler (BASE) platform on NPCI. To use BASE, a student has to:
a. Go to the BASE URL.
b. Click on the Consumer tab.
c. Click on Bharat Aadhaar Seeding Enabler (BASE).
d. Select the dropdown to get Aadhaar mapping status or history.
10. Who can apply for scholarship under PM-USP CSSS on National Scholarship Portal (NSP)?
(a) FRESH: Students who have completed Class-XII in the last Academic Year and who are in the Top 20th percentile list of concerned Board (SEB/CBSE/CISCE) and got admission in 1st year of regular graduation course are eligible to apply for fresh scholarship. This list is given by the respective state education boards. Those who are not covered in this list will not be able to avail the benefits of PM-USP CSSS scholarship scheme.
(b) RENEWAL: Students who have received fresh scholarship in last four academic year (e.g for AY 2024-25, beneficiaries of AY 2020-21, 2021-22, 2022-23 and 2023-24), can apply on the National Scholarship Portal http://scholarships.gov.in/ for renewal before the cut-off date.
To receive renewal scholarship, it is compulsory for the scheme beneficiaries to apply on NSP. If missed out in an academic year, he/she can apply for renewal in subsequent year subject to fulfilling other renewal eligibility criteria (For Example, Student who missed to apply for the renewal in 2023-24 can apply for the Renewal 2024- 25). Therefore, applicant has to ensure to apply for renewal on portal and to ensure that his/her application is verified by the Institute and State Nodal officer, before closure of the portal.
11. What is One-Time Registration (OTR)?
One-Time Registration (OTR) is a unique number provided to streamline the scholarship registration process. Users register with their mobile number and complete e-KYC (electronic Know Your Customer). The OTR number is generated once and remains valid throughout the student's academic career.
12. How to get the OTR number?
To create OTR, student should first keep the following documents ready:
(a) Active mobile number,
(b) Aadhaar number (in absence of Aadhaar Number, Aadhaar Enrollment ID),
(c) Mobile number linked with Aadhaar.
Fresh, 2024 applicants: Generate the OTR number using the option GET YOUR OTR -> 'Apply Now.
Renewal, 2024 applicants:-
(a) Students who provided Aadhaar and completed Face-authentication in AY 2023-24: NSP has sent their OTR number on the registered mobile number. The students can directly apply for the scholarship on the NSP Portal using this OTR.
(b) Students who had provided Aadhaar and have not completed Face-authentication in AY 2023-24: NSP has generated their Reference number, and the student has to obtain their OTR by completing the face-authentication through NSP OTR app (available on Play Store).
(c) Students who had applied with EID in AY 2023-24: Students have to generate their OTR using the option GET YOUR OTR -> 'Apply Now'
13. What should I do if I forget my OTR number?
If you forget your OTR number, you can retrieve it by selecting the "Forgot OTR Number" option. To recover your OTR number, you will need to provide the Aadhaar number used during your e-KYC process.
14. How can I apply for scholarship under PM-USP CSSS?
Login with your Aadhaar/ OTR number. The pre-filled personal details will be fetched automatically from the OTR registration form. Now, to generate your Application ID, the students are required to select their Domicile State and the "Post-Matric" option from the drop-down menu.
The generated Application ID will be available under 'My Application'. The student can now submit the application by filling the appropriate General information, Category and Academic details; and select the "PM-USP Central Sector Scheme of Scholarship for College and University Students". After this, upload the mandatory documents and submit the application form.
15. What are the precautions to be kept in mind at the time of online application registration?
a. While filling the application, student is required to ensure that the name of self, name of father and Roll No., should exactly match as it has been mentioned in the Roll Card/Mark sheet, so that the data gets captured and the scheme is visible on the National Scholarship Portal. While filling the application form, in the column of State Education Boards they have to select the board as per the list at annexure.
Note: in case name in 12th examination marks sheet and Aadhaar card is different, then students are advised to get the name in Aadhaar same as in his/her mark sheet.
For example:-
Father's Name as per mark sheet- Shri Mahendra Pratap Singh and father's name as per AADHAAR is M.P. Singh - Incorrect)
b. Have a valid personal email ID and mobile no. which should be kept active till the completion of Scholarship disbursement Process. It is advisable not to change the mobile number for the duration of the scholarship. NSP may send necessary intimation and information through the registered Mobile number. In case a candidate does not have a valid personal e-mail ID, he/she should create his/her new e-mail ID and mobile no. before applying on-line and must maintain that email account and mobile number. Future necessary information and relevant OTP would be provided on mentioned mobile number. The students are advised to mention their own mobile number. The students must also check the SMS from NIC-NSP regularly.
c. NIC and MoE do not send any communication other than Email/SMS.
d. No change in E-mail ID and mobile number will be entertained during the entire process.
e. The demographic details provided in the OTR login, need to be same as that in the Aadhaar and the 12th examination marks sheet.
f. Any change in the demographic details like Name, Father’s Name, Date of Birth, Contact Information need to be performed in the OTR login and the same need to be authenticated through e-KYC and face authentication again.
16. When to apply for scholarship on the National Scholarship Portal?
The application process will be made live on National Scholarship Portal (NSP) www.scholarships.gov.in. Please check NSP portal regularly.
17. What precautions are to be exercised while selecting the institution from the drop-down menu?
While selecting the course, where he/she is studying, if there are similar courses with difference in course duration, student need to ascertain that they are selecting the right course from their Institute Nodal Officers.
18. What precautions are to be exercised while selecting the institution from the drop-down menu?
While selecting the Institute, where he/she is studying, in the circumstances of having common/matching name of institutions, student need to ascertain the right institute by AISHE code assigned to all institutions. For example:
State- Haryana- Technical/Polytechnic
AISHE Code- S-958
Clicking the FINAL SUBMIT button, after incorrect selection of institution shall lead to non-verification of applications by the institution, which cannot be corrected thereafter and such grievance will not be entertained.
19. What are the documents that are required to be uploaded for applying and verification?
The following documents need to be uploaded on the Portal at the time of application:
a. FRESH: 12th Mark Sheet, Family Income Certificate, Category/ caste Certification for reserved category students, Disability Certificate
b. RENEWAL: Previous Year Mark Sheet.
The copy of above-mentioned documents must be provided to the institutes at the time of verification, if sought for by the Institute Nodal Officer (INO).
19. Can I edit the information already saved and upto what time?
You can edit the information till final submission of the online application. After final submission of application, information can only be edited when your application is marked as defective by the verification authority.
20. Which fields I can edit?
You can edit all details except the Personal Details provided during OTR. It may be noted that once you click on "Confirm and Submit" button your application will be forwarded to the next level and then you cannot edit further.
21. Do I have to fill up the online application in one sitting?
No. You can fill the online application in many sittings, until you are satisfied that you have entered all desirable fields correctly. The software provides facility to save your application at every stage until you click on 'Confirm & Submit' button.
22. What is UID number/Aadhaar Number?
UID number otherwise known as 'Aadhaar' number is Unique Identification Number given by Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI). The Aadhaar Number should be seeded with the Bank Account in which Scholarship Amount is desired to be transferred.
23. How should I check the status of my application online?
You have to login under the option 'Student Login' by entering your Aadhaar number/ OTR number. After login, under the option 'My Application', you will be able to view the option 'Check Your Status' against your Application ID. Under this option you can check your online application status.
24. How do I know the name and address of the Nodal Officers my State Education Board/CBSE/CISCE?
The name and contact details of the Nodal Officer of the State Education Boards/CBSE / CISCE are available in the Nodal Officers (Scheme Wise) option available under the Public Corner on the home page of National Scholarship Portal (NSP).
25. Where to lodge complaints/queries/grievances regarding scholarship application?
The grievances need to be register on the Grievance Registration Tab available in their Login. All the technical complaints regarding working of the portal/ processing of online application/ verification status, etc. may be addressed to the National Scholarship Portal. Grievances regarding "PM-USP Central Sector Scheme of Scholarship for College and University Students" may be addressed to Department of Higher Education, MoE.
26. Whether the applicants or the institutes need to send the Physical copy of the online application form to State Nodal Officer or Ministry?
No, it is not needed.
27. What to know about the withdrawal of the application?
The student can withdraw their scholarship application by selecting the appropriate option from the Drop-Down menu. If a student wants to avail benefits of any other scholarship scheme, then they must withdraw from the present scheme. The scholarship application can be withdrawn by the applicant prior to its final verification by the State Nodal Agency. Note: Do not use the option unless you want to surrender the scholarship.
28. What to do if the course under which the student is enrolled is not available after selecting the Institute?
This situation arises when the Institute in which the student is studying has not updated their profile. Hence, the student has to ask their Institute Nodal Officer to update their profile and validate all the courses and their duration. For further guidance, the institute may check the information under the Institutions option available on the National Scholarship Portal Homepage.
IMPORTANT Notes for the Applicants:
• After finally submitting the applications on the portal students are advised to get their online application verified by the respective institutions before the cut-off date. Application which is not verified either by the institute or by the concerned State Higher Education Department /State Nodal Agency or by both will be treated as 'Invalid'.
• For College and course change after completion of graduation courses (general degree course), use the option update college/institution and course in your login. After filling right college/institution and course name then only click on submit button because once this request is submitted, system disables the option to update college and course. If the student clicks the submit option without updating the option or filling wrong information, then student will not get another chance.
• For change in college during 2nd and 3rd year of the course, kindly contact your State Nodal Agency at least 2 weeks prior to closing date of NSP along with following documents: (a) Previous and Present College ID card, (b) Present and Previous College Name and AISHE Code, (c) Present and Previous Course. The requests for change in college received in the last 7 days prior to closing of NSP will not be entertained.
• Jammu and Kashmir Board students who passed 12th examination in November 20xx (2022) must have to enter 20xx+1 (2023) in the column “12th passing year” while filling scholarship application form online on NSP.
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