Mid Day Meal Scheme
(Department of School Education)
Mid Day Meal Scheme(Department of School Education)
Under the scheme 19791 Schools of Government, Government Aided and NCLP Schools are serving Mid-Day-Meal in the State. 1045495 students of primary classes, 691726 students of upper primary classes and 4800 students of NCLP Schools are being provided mid-day-meal. For this scheme Foodgrains (Wheat & Rice) @ 100 gms. per child per day for primary class students and 150 gm for upper primary class students are provided by the Government of India. Cooking cost @ Rs. 5.45 per child per meal for primary and Rs. 8.17 for Upper Primary per meal per child is shared in the ratio of 60:40 between Government of India and State Government.
At present total 41940 (part time) cook-cum-helpers are engaged to prepare cooked meal in the Schools. Honorarium of Rs. 3000/- per cook per month for 12 months in a year is paid to cooks, in which center share is Rs. 600/- per cook and State share is Rs. 400/- per cook. State Govt contributes Rs. 2000/- per cook over and above its mandatory State share. Cook-cum-helpers are engaged by School Management Committees, who serve hygienic and delicious food to the children daily. The Cook-cum-helpers are enganged on the basis of no. of students as follows:-
1 to 25 students = 1 cook-cum-helper
26 to 100 students = 2 cook-cum-helper
101-200 students = 3 cook-cum-helper
For every additional 100 students, one more cook-cum-helper can be engaged.
Weekly Menu
Monday | Dal (Seasonal vegetables) and Chapatti |
Tuesday | Rajmah and Rice |
Wednesday | Black Channe (mixed with potato) and Chapatti |
Thursday | Kahri (mixed with Potato and Onion Pakoras) and Rice |
Friday | Seasonal Vegetable and Chapatti |
Saturday | Dal (Mixed with Ghia or Kadu) and Rice |
Note:- In addition to the regular menu “Kheer” as sweet dish is provided on any day of a week to all the students.
For the effective implementation of the Mid-Day-Meal Scheme, and to keep the proper account, one District Manager (MDM) and one Accountant have been posted in every District. To make the Mid-Day-Meal Scheme more effective, Assistant Block Managers have been posted in each block, so that supervision may be made at all levels.It is mandatory in the MDM scheme that school children from class 1 to 5th are given 450 KL and 12 gm protein and from 6th to 8th students children are given 700 KL & 20 gm protein.
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