ट्रांसजेंडर उत्थान कोष - उभयलिंगी बच्चों (अन्य जिलों में रहने वाले छात्र) के अध्ययन के लिए वित्तीय सहायता
1. A Person belonging to transgender community would be eligible for this scheme.
2. Applicant should be a resident Rajasthan state.
3. Applicant whose gross income is up to Rs. 8.00 lakh will be eligible under the scheme.
4. Only those applicant who are away from home for study purpose would be eligible for this scheme.
5. Student Studying in class 6 or higher
2. Applicant should be a resident Rajasthan state.
3. Applicant whose gross income is up to Rs. 8.00 lakh will be eligible under the scheme.
4. Only those applicant who are away from home for study purpose would be eligible for this scheme.
5. Student Studying in class 6 or higher
नई टिप्पणी जोड़ें